The Curtis Center works to provide an increasing number of U.S K-12 students with access to rigorous and engaging mathematical activity.
Services Provided
The Curtis Center provides opportunities for K-12 mathematics teachers to grow their mathematical knowledge and apply it to the work of teaching; develops curriculum and assessments designed to engage students in creative reasoning and meaningful application of mathematics; helps students and districts develop equitable and humane standards-aligned mathematics course sequences and syllabi; and develops pedagogical content knowledge of undergraduates preparing for careers in K-12 mathematics education.
Mission and Goals
The Curtis Center is dedicated to developing and supporting quality mathematics programs that interface with the K-16 community, including outreach programs for K-12 students, continuing education programs for K-12 teachers, and mathematics teacher-preparation programs for UCLA undergraduates. We believe efforts to improve K-12 mathematics activity benefit from authentic collaboration between K-12 and university mathematics experts.