Community Youth Programs-Youth Workforce Programs (CYP) has a number of youth workforce development programs, each of which have slightly different target groups and program designs. However, all of the programs share a common goal to increase the educational success of young people and introduce them to the world of work.

Services Provided

Work readiness training; internship opportunities; paid work experience; job placement; financial literacy; computer literacy; tutoring and homework assistance; mentoring; basic skills remediation; youth leadership development; and preparation for post-secondary education.

Who We Serve

CYP provides services to individuals, ages 16-30, in the City of Los Angeles. CYP offers services for both in school and out-of-school youth. The activities of the program are focused on low-income youth and young adults who have not graduated from high school, who are not engaged in the workforce, or who are not pursuing secondary education.

Mission and Goals

The mission of the program is to assist youth, both teenagers and young adults, with the transition from youth to adulthood, utilizing the many resources of the University to assist. This includes encouraging youth to move from secondary to post-secondary education and on to meaningful careers and productive adult lives.

Year Founded


Impact Statement

CYP has been operating youth workforce programs since 1988. Depending on funding, we are able to provide services to up to 500-800 youth annually.

Partnership Inquiries

Amanda Gonzalez
Program Manager
(310) 572-7680

Campus Affiliation

UCLA Center for Community Engagement