Programs providing a pathway for underrepresented students to excel in business and leadership.

Services Provided

Helps students prepare to enter university, transition from university into their career, and help students ready themselves for top tier MBA programs.

Who We Serve

High school students, college students, and recent college graduates from diverse and disadvantaged communities.

Mission and Goals

To encourage individuals with little guidance and mentorship to consider careers in business and to seek graduate-level education opportunities and to prepare individuals to be admissible to top universities and graduate programs.

Year Founded


Impact Statement

The Riordan Programs have served over 3,500 young people.


Riordan College-to-Career is much more than simply a formal, one-week program. It has truly proven to me that anything is possible and that there are so many diverse career fields I can pursue

— John Mendoza College-to-Career 2015 University of Southern California (B.A. ’16)

Riordan Scholars Program left an indelible mark on my life, exposing me to the importance of preparing for success, relationship building & launching my brand. These foundational skills have had a profound impact on my life

— George Bahamondes Vice President, Deutsche Bank Riordan Scholar 2004

Projects Managed By RIORDAN PROGRAMS (3)